About Us
Curvy HER Fit is a brand created while on my fitness/lifestyle journey. Although still on this journey, I wanted to create something that would not only motivate myself to keep pressing forward but will also help inspire other women to embrace this lifestyle and to love who you are. As a woman, we go through all types of physical changes throughout our lives. There is always that point in your life where you want change, you want to love what you see in the mirror and to just feel good about yourself. The purpose of this brand is to help build self confidence, inspire physical wellness and promote healthy living. Women come in all shapes and sizes, whether you are curvy and slim, curvy with muscles, curvy and toned or just down right “curvalicious,“ this brand was made for you. Take this ride with me, flaunt those curves and embrace the new you that comes along the way.BE ENCOURAGED, BE INSPIRED, BE YOU!!! - Sabrina D.